Thông tin tài liệu

Title: Mobile Design and Development
Authors: Brian Fling
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Oreilly
Abstract: The first half is a crash course in the mobile ecosystem: how to develop a strategy, address the mobile context–even how to decide which of the multiple mobile application types is best for you, and finally, how to create a user experience for it. The second half is focused on using these principles to make a mobile website or web app. Mobile Design and Development is a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of the mobile ecosystem. The book covers a great number of topics, however each are described in practical and common sense way—making easy for anyone at any technical level to understand the inner working of the mobile medium. If you’re a web designer, web developer, information architect, product manager, usability professional, content publisher, or an entrepreneur new to the mobile, Mobile Design and Development provides you with the knowledge you need to work with this rapidly developing technology.
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